Monday 17 March 2014


For this activity we were asked to unload to our blog, five things that inspire us.

My sister Shannon

Shannon and I have always been very close. Many a day in our childhood was spent making clothes for our toys or drawing together. It's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off and she is always able to point me in the right direction creatively and help me when I'm lacking confidence in my work.


Gaudi is by far my favourite architect. His buildings are like they are from another world or a dream. He has always been an inspiration of mine and I have previously taken elements from his work to use in my designs.

The Sky

The sky is one of the most beautiful natural canvases we have. I remember many summer days, as I'm sure many people can, laying on the grass staring up at the sky finding pictures in the cloud formations. Now I mainly enjoy watching the beautiful sunsets form my deck with glass of wine in hand marveling at the incredible colour palate nature has provided.


Fabric is one of my favourite things in the world. I love nothing better then browsing fabric stores and looking at all the colours and patterns, running my hands over them and envisioning what I would make out of it.

This Sketch

For some reason I have been fascinated with this sketch ever since I saw in in an art magazine many years ago. It's just a simple charcoal sketch by Japanese makeup artist Shu Uemura, but  has inspired my to try my hand at charcoal drawing.

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